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What H.A.T.S. is all about!

My Story

Dallas, the head dog trainer standing a looking at a client's dog who is sitting in front of her on leash.

Welcome to Happy Animalz Training Service (H.A.T.S.)! My name is Dallas Kelley, and I am the trainer that designed the H.A.T.S. Program. My journey started when I got a job working for a labradoodle breeder; whelping, raising, training, and caring for puppies! I had always loved animals and wanted to train them for a living, so when a friend asked me if I wanted to get a training certification with her, I jumped at the chance. I attended Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) to get my professional certification as a dog trainer. After graduating from KPA, I started H.A.T.S. doing in-person training with people and their puppies. But when Covid hit, I had to shut down. But, like many others, shutting down for Covid made me realize there was a whole new world out there, one that is fun and convenient for people and their puppies, online training! As I began to develop online programs, I realized that more people in more locations can get the help they need through online programs. So, I began to develop the H.A.T.S. online training recourses you see on this site.

With the online resource provided here at H.A.T.S., you can learn the positive reward-based training methods that will help you and your puppy grow together and develop a trust-based relationship, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home! 



Are you looking for a labradoodle puppy? Check out Shedless in Seattle Labradoodles! Jan is a highly experienced breeder and an all-around wonderful person! Her puppies are high quality and so well loved!

Visit her website Here!


Why +R

Positive Reinforcement it is a science-based training method that I started using after I met a young dog who delt with fear. Back then I was using traditional punishment-based training, something I was growing more and more uncomfortable with as I saw how it impacted the emotional well-being of dogs. Then one day a friend of mine introduced me to something called clicker training! When I switched to positive reinforcement clicker training, the dog I was working with changed dramatically. He suddenly loved working, he was much more trusting and willing to move into places he was not sure about, and his behavior problems improved more than they ever had when I was using punishment. I was hooked, and so was the dog! It is important to know that every dog is different, and training is a process and behaviors don't always change as quickly as they did in this case, but the experience taught me something very important, a healthy relationship and learning have something in common, they both thrive in joy!


If you are new to positive reinforcement training, I encourage you to watch the clip below to see some results of +R training! In this video, I am working with dogs at the Lynchburg Humane Society in Virginia State. These dogs, like many dogs that live in the same space, tend to bark a lot. After using positive training methods, I was able to get this video footage of the dogs all being quiet and even sitting politely, even though other dogs are barking in the background!

Welcome to positive reinforcement!

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